Pray for Fiji on Sunday, May 17, 2015

Pray for Fiji on Sunday, May 17, 2015

teguaclimatechange_SPREP_factsheet.jpgLectionary Selection:John 17:6-19

Prayers for Fiji:
God of the moana (Ocean in Polynesian language), we the people of the moana sail our canoes into your holy presence, bringing our petitions to you. We are suffering as the moana, once our home and livelihood, destroys our lands and homes, bringing to us an uncertain future. Many people around the world push climate change to the back of their minds as they live comfortably in continents. But we are suffering as the moana continues to rise and we see evidences of it every day of our lives. Our lives splash like waves in search for life as our children look to us with questioning eyes of what their future holds. Our lives call and demand that we become one in this search. We float our hearts in unity and allow it to garland the moana in attempts to protect it. We are people of this world and our hearts, longings, and needs spring from the longings and needs of our moana people. May our lives sanctify our lands and moana so that the people around us may see you not only through us, but also through the longings and needs of our surroundings. Tie our hearts together and may the world see that in our smallness, we matter. Everything comes from you and at your feet we land our canoes. Help us God, in the name of our mediator and fellow voyager Jesus Christ, amen. 


Mission Stewardship Moment from Fiji:
The Pacific has recently experience the power of nature as Tropical Cyclone Pam swept through the islands of Vanuatu, killing 8 people. Thousands lost their homes and belongings. Although not directly hit by TC Pam, the people of the low lying atolls of Tuvalu and Kiribati experienced the overwhelming strength of the cyclone as huge waves swept through the islands, contaminating drinking water and damage vegetation. An island in Tuvalu had its entire population resettled as the village was entirely destroyed.

But the governments and NGO’s around the Pacific were quick to response in sending aid into these countries, especially Vanuatu. The churches also raised to the call and donations (monetary) and collection of unused clothes, shoes, bags, etc. were loaded into containers and shipped to these countries.

The St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (where I serve as minister) designated two Sunday offerings as relief offerings. There was also a collection of clothes for those in Vanuatu. Drinking water and food were flown into these countries as well. Our Presbyterian brothers and sisters in Vanuatu suffered damage to their school and we designated the offering to go to the rebuilding of the school and continuation of education in Vanuatu.

The prayer Jesus prayed to God is also a call for unity. A call that help us identify with the suffering and needy. Our response to this catastrophic situation strengthen our ecumenical bond and need to work together to advance the Kingdom of God through concrete actions. The missionaries that brought the gospel to our shores focus more on the teaching and preaching aspects of the gospel. The church now sees that as a minority in the global community, we, the people of the Pacific, must display theological beliefs through concrete actions. And this is exactly what we did in response to TC Pam’s devastating effects in our part of the world.

We thank Global Ministries and its partner churches for your continuous support for ministry in this part of the world.

(Prayer and Mission Moment by Niko Tapaeko)

Mission Partners in Fiji:
Pacific Conference of Churches

More information on Fiji:

Global Ministries Missionaries in Fiji:
Niko Tapaeko serves as a Long­-term Volunteer with the Pacific Council of Churches located in Fiji.His appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples’ Mission Fund, Our Churches Wider Mission, and your special gifts.