Pray for Ghana on Sunday, March 15, 2015

Pray for Ghana on Sunday, March 15, 2015

Lectionary Selection: John 3: 14-21


Prayers for Ghana:
Loving God, who taught us what it means to love the entire World, today we focus on your work in Ghana, West Africa. It is our prayer that you bless our partners there as they function as church to encourage each other to keep our eyes and hearts on Jesus. Please bless them as they reach out and minister to the children who live in the market place and provide them with shelter and food. Please bless them as they minister to the ageing. Please bless them as they strive to train both their ordained and licensed ministers at their seminary. Please bless their work in training young mothers in careers to earn their living and raise their children. Please bless their efforts in starting a new college to reach out with the gospel of Jesus. We pray these things in the name of Jesus, who they serve as their Lord. Amen.

Mission Stewardship Moment from Ghana:
For God so loved the world that God gave! As we learn to imitate the love that God has for us, the natural result will be giving! We give to mission because it reminds us that God loves the whole world and we are part of a much bigger church and mission because that love involves the whole world. We give to mission because we have something to give and we want it shared all over this world. We give to mission because of Jesus, the ultimate gift of God’s love for all of us.

ghana_1.jpgIn my time in Ghana, I had the chance to give because you have given financially to make it possible for me to be there.  However, I not only gave but also had the chance to receive from believers there who have become friends and partners. I received help, food (corn, pah pahs, avocados, bananas, tomatoes and pineapples), encouragement and love.  When I think of friendships that have touched my life, I think of Wilson.  He was always there to help in repairing screens and spraying bugs and planting edible plants. We have been taught to give, but we must also receive.

It is my desire to communicate the gratitude given by my students and friends in Ghana to everyone who supports Global Ministries financially and through prayer. Please ask in prayer that I can be successful in giving out that gratitude in words as I travel and speak about my time in Ghana.

(Prayer and Mission Moment by Gary Luallin)

Mission Partners in Ghana:

More information on Ghana:

Global Ministries Missionary in Ghana:
Luallin, Gary, a member of Southside Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Jacksonville, Florida, serves with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana, as a university professor.  His appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples’ Mission Fund, Our Churches Wider Mission, and your special gifts.