Pray for Guadeloupe and Martinique on Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pray for Guadeloupe and Martinique on Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lectionary Selection: Mark 10: 17 – 31

Prayers for Guadeloupe/Martinique:
Dear God, we ask you to send your blessing upon the islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique. In these times of economic hardship, comfort and provide for those in need. In particular, we pray for the youth of both islands. Give them hope in the future and inspire them to work toward their goals. Give them the strength to resist the temptations and false promises of riches that a life of crime may offer. While we acknowledge the need for basic financial security, please let them resist the lure of “easy money”. Help them reject violence in all its forms and embrace love, caring and compassion. We also pray that you help the Protestant Reformed Church in Guadeloupe and Martinique as they try to be peace builders and hope givers.

Mission Stewardship Moment from Guadeloupe/Martinique:
Regrettably, news from Guadeloupe and Martinique is not that good.  As the islands’ economic problems continue to grow, more and more Guadeloupian and Martiniquais youth are turning towards gangs and the economic opportunities they provide. School drop-out rates have skyrocketed, the illegal drug trade is thriving, robberies are up and street violence between youth has become commonplace. Over the last three weeks in Guadeloupe alone, there have been eleven murders. Unfortunately, the government, schools and police seem incapable of effectively responding to the problem. 

The Protestant Reformed Church in Guadeloupe and Martinique has been aware of this growing problem for some time. Through their engagements in prison ministry, youth social work and support of homeless shelters, members of the church have been trying to provide positive alternatives for the islands youth.

Over the last several years, and in partnership with several local non-profit organizations, they have been able to provide housing, training programs and work for dozens of young people who have just gotten out of prison or who were at risk of being sucked into a life of crime.

While the task in front of them is large, they have decided to respond to Jesus’ call to be peace-builders.  Please pray for their work and for the youth of Guadeloupe and Martinique.

(Prayer and Mission Moment by Tim Rose)

Mission Partners in Guadeloupe/Martinique:
The Protestant Reformed Church of Guadeloupe and Martinique

Video Resource about Tim Rose:

More information on Guadeloupe/Martinique:

Global Ministries Missionary in Guadeloupe/Martinique:
Tim Rose serves the Protestant Reformed Church in Guadeloupe and Martinique as the Pastoral Assistant for Diaconal Ministries and as a Prison Chaplain. He is jointly appointed by Global Ministries and the DEFAP (the mission agency of the Reformed and Lutheran Churches in France).