Pray for Haiti on Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pray for Haiti on Sunday, February 14, 2010

Lectionary Text and Prayer for Haiti: Luke 9:28-36

Loving God,

Today we are hurting as we witness the horrific tragedy that has taken place in Haiti. Although we are a people that proclaim your never-ending love and justice, at this moment all that we can see is unjust suffering and pain. Give us the strength we need to sit with our doubts and questions and to grieve alongside our brothers and sisters throughout Haiti. As we mourn all that has fallen and been lost let us also celebrate the miracle of life and the gifts of courage, compassion, and perseverance that the Haitian people have shown the rest of the world in the wake of the earthquake. Help us to respond in this hour of need with the type of love and solidarity that Jesus taught us.

We send out special prayers for all of our Haitian brothers and sisters who are injured, have lost loved ones, and are suffering either emotionally, physically, or spiritually.

We pray that our partner the National Spiritual Council of Haitian Churches (CONASPEH) may find the time and space to grieve the tremendous losses they have endured. Please hold them in your thoughts as they plan how to move forward as an organization committed to being a voice for the people of Haiti at this difficult time.

We pray for the family and friends of all of the nursing students and staff that were killed when the CONASPEH building collapsed.

We pray for the recovery of numerous CONASPEH churches, school, and other projects affected by the earthquake.

We pray for the protection and care of all of the children living in orphanages and those orphaned by the earthquake.

We pray that the needs of those who are hungry, thirsty, and homeless be met.

Finally, we pray that the rebuilding efforts in Haiti be done with a spirit of humility, cultural sensitivity, and well being that will benefit all of the citizens of Haiti in the future.

(Prayer by Kim and Patrick Bentrott)

To access the Bentrott’s blog, click here:

To access information on the Haiti Earthquake response, click here:

Global Ministries International Partners in Haiti:

  • National Spiritual Council of Haitian Churches (CONASPEH) is composed of 6,000 affiliated grassroots churches, approximately 3,000 neighborhood schools, plus the Karen School of Nursing and the Andrew Theological Seminary. An  important part of their mission is to provide a more unified political and social voice for Protestant churches in the country.
  • House of Hope is a project that works in favor of children who live in domestic slavery
  • Hospice St. Joseph is dedicated to walking with the poor who can’t afford health care or emergency surgery.
  • Ecumenical Committee for Peace and Justice
  • Service Chrétien D’Haiti
  • Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Haiti
  • Christian Center Integral Development: Sant Kretyen pou Devlopman Entegre (SKDE)

Global Ministries Missionaries in Haiti:

Kim and Patrick Bentrott have been appointed to serve the National Spiritual Council of Churches in Haiti (CONASPEH). Kim advises CONASPEH on health care and diaconal projects and programs and Patrick on theological education and diaconal projects and programs.