Pray for Lesotho on Sunday, October 30, 2016
Lectionary Selection: Luke 19:1-10
Prayers for Lesotho:
Dear God,
We give you thanks and praise your name for the story of Zacchaeus! We give thanks for showing us how the love of Jesus can transform us: from being greedy to being sharers; from being consumed with ourselves to being concerned for others; from being alone to being part of a community; from being lost to being found! Touch our hearts to share the extravagant love of Jesus with others so that they, too, will feel welcomed into your family.
We pray for the people of Lesotho. Having just celebrated 50 years of independence, divisions run deep caused by the politics of self-interest and factionalism. We pray for leaders who will rise above personalities and partisanship and instead work for bringing peace, reconciliation and prosperity to the nation.
We pray also for the leadership of the Lesotho Evangelical Church in Southern Africa as they, together with the Christian Council of Lesotho, continue to mediate in trying to resolve the political tensions within the country. May their efforts be blessed by your transforming love.
We pray this in the name of Jesus our Savior. Amen.
Mission Stewardship Moment from Lesotho:
Even in the most remote parts of Lesotho you will find primary schools. Many of these might consist only of a small, stone church hall used as classrooms during the week with other classes meeting outside under some trees. Our partner church, the Lesotho Evangelical Church in Southern Africa (LECSA), oversees around 500 primary schools, many dating back to the 1800’s when the French Protestant missionaries arrived in 1833 and established schools in conjunction with churches and outstations so that people could read the Word of God in their own language of Sesotho.
With so many schools to care for there is always a need for school furniture. Thanks to generous gifts made to Global Ministries, the LECSA has a project for making and distributing desks, chalkboards and tables for the benefit of its many schools. The difference made by even a small number of desks is significant and can be easily seen in the smiling faces of students who no longer have to write in a cramped and confined space or use their laps as a desktop. Thanks be to God for your gifts to Global Ministries which bless the students and staff of LECSA schools!
(Prayer and Mission Moment by Mark Behle)
Mission Partners in Lesotho:
More information on Lesotho:
Global Ministries Missionary in Lesotho:
Mark Behle serves with the Lesotho Evangelical Church in Lesotho. His appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Churches Wider Mission, and your special gifts.