Pray for Nicaragua on Sunday, August 30, 2015
Lectionary Selection: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Prayers for Nicaragua:
One of the cultural customs among the members of the Christian Mission Church is eating with their hands. This custom connects people of all backgrounds, rich and poor, schooled and unschooled, rural and urban. In the text we see the Pharisees criticize the Disciples who are eating with unwashed hands, and Jesus replies that the Pharisees are more focused on human rules than on the services of God – they worship God with their lips but not their hearts. The Christian community of Nicaragua may eat with their hands but their hearts worship God.
Among the biggest concerns of the people of Nicaragua is the severe drought that has been affecting the region since 2013. Food production has diminished, and the reserves of food and funds that families had saved our nearly gone. Even when the food runs out, these families will continue to praise the Lord with their whole hearts.
Let us join in prayer with our brothers and sisters in Nicaragua that are being affected by climate change.
Mission Stewardship Moment from Nicaragua:
The leaders and pastors of the Christian Mission church are humble brothers and sisters, the vast majority have only completed primary school. Throughout the congregations there are very few families who have the opportunity to obtain higher education for their children or for themselves.
Knowing the value of education, the leadership of the church has made it a priority to create new materials for the membership of the church to learn more about Christian Discipleship. In working on class resources, I have used the analogy of a tree (it is hard not to be inspired by the beautiful specimens throughout Nicaragua) to help explain these concepts simply. Starting with the roots, trunk, branches, leaves, flowers, and working up to the fruits, we talk about how the many elements of our faith strengthen one and other.
Today, the sisters and brothers of the Christian Mission Church have this valuable new resource because of your support. The members continue to pray for training and opportunities to strengthen the church through theological education.
The next priority of the church is to create additional materials for Sunday school teachers – and I look forward to the opportunity to share in this project as well.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
(Prayer and Mission Moment by Magyolene Rodriguez)
Mission Partners in Nicaragua:
- Accion Medica Cristiana
- Centro Inter-Eclesial de Estudios Teologicos y Sociales (CIEETS)
- Consejo de Iglesias Evangelicas Pro Alianza Denominacional (CEPAD)
- Convencion de Iglesias Mision Cristiana de Nicaragua
- Iglesia Morava
- Nicaraguan Protestant University (Universidad Evangelica Nicaraguense Martin Luther King, (UENIC-MLK)
More information on Nicaragua:
Global Ministries Missionary in Nicaragua:
Magyolene Rodriguez serves as a long-term volunteer with the Convencion de Iglesias Mision Cristiana de Nicaragua. Her appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Churches Wider Mission, and your special gifts.