Pray for Nicaragua on Sunday, March 6, 2016
Lectionary Selection: Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
Prayers for Nicaragua:
Oh Lord our God how excellent is thy name in all the earth! You have given us all that we need to live fruitful lives for you. You love us unconditionally. You gave us the free-will to make choices even though we don’t always choose Your way. Nevertheless, You make a “way out of no way” for us when we feel defeated from some of the choices we make and from some of the choices that are made for us by unjust systems and powers.
Even though we feel weak and defeated, we pray for a renewed spirit and we pray for a renewed spirit for our government leaders making decisions that effect our lives. We pray for this renewed spirit to invade the mind, body and soul of our government leaders. We pray for a renewed spirit that will give us the strength, the hope and the energy to get up and use the life you have given us to transform our weakness into strength and our hopelessness into hope. Help us Lord we pray that all will be “brought to our senses” [paraphrased from Luke 15:17, The Message] and hear your voice, embrace your words and follow your guidance of love and justice. Amen.
Mission Stewardship Moment from Nicaragua:
Be mindful that most Nicaraguans that are able to work make between $100 to $200 a month. They are paid twice a month, $50 on the 15th and $50 on the last day of the month, by the government. The people have heard many promises from the government that they are going to increasing their salary, but nothing has happened so far.
Be mindful that in many parts of Nicaragua, especially the poor areas, the struggle continues for laws to prevent violence against women. And it appears to me that the Church community is very quiet concerning this issue.
Be mindful that the construction of another Canal, bigger than the Panama Canal, has been approved. It goes without saying, that the poor will be devastated through the loss of resources—land, homes, and farming.
Be mindful that the land in the South area of the East Coast off of the Atlantic Ocean belongs to the people of that area. It cannot be bought or sold. This is where the people build their homes and their lives. But it has been discovered that part of the land has been sold illegally to outsiders interested in land development.
As your missionary serving in Nicaragua and representing the presence of God’s love and attention, I walk with those that have the greatest needs and participate with them wherever I am needed. From accompanying women on their protests against violence, participating in discussions that impact the socio-political and economic life of the people, and preparing workshops and Bible classes to enlighten our understanding of God’s work of love, justice, community and respect as demonstrated through Jesus’ ministry, happens with your support.
Be mindful that parts of the body of Christ is hurting. During this Holy season of Lent and Easter, remember our Nicaraguan sisters and brothers in your prayers. And please remember to put them on your personal and church prayer lists.
(Prayer and Mission Moment by Jeanette Salley)
Mission Partners in Nicaragua:
- Accion Medica Cristiana
- Centro Inter-Eclesial de Estudios Teologicos y Sociales (CIEETS)
- Consejo de Iglesias Evangelicas Pro Alianza Denominacional (CEPAD)
- Convencion de Iglesias Mision Cristiana de Nicaragua
- Iglesia Morava
- Nicaraguan Protestant University (Universidad Evangelica Nicaraguense Martin Luther King, (UENIC-MLK)
More information on Nicaragua:
Global Ministries Missionary in Nicaragua:
Jeanette Salley serves with the Moravian Church of Nicaragua. Her appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Churches Wider Mission, and your special gifts.