Pray for Zimbabwe on Sunday, October 21, 2012
Lectionary Selection: Mark 10: 35 – 45
Prayers for Zimbabwe:
God of all creation, we bow before you in gratitude on this day reminded of your assuring presence. Scripture assures us that your power is available to us always as we seek to serve you through Jesus Christ. We pray for your power to become instrumental in strengthening those who serve as well as those who are served in Christ’s name. May our gifts of love become evidence of our compassion to others. May our gift of time in becoming aware of the urgency of proclaiming Christ become an offering of our lives in consecration of our life expressions. We are aware of the need of those hospitalized by the natural, self-created, unanticipated conditions caused by lack of protection or need of understanding both natural and human conditions. There are children, students and learners of all ages who would be blessed by the compassionate caring of those who can give thought, prayer, possession and life direction to sharing their blessings with those in Zimbabwe and other such nations around the world. Bless each of us and each of them as we lift our prayer for your transforming power to be at work through Christ our Lord. Amen
Mission Stewardship Moment from Zimbabwe:
A severe storm brought rain, lightning and thunder to the Mt. Selinda territory of Zimbabwe. The next morning the mission hospital’s chaplain was called to the bed of a patient who had been brought in, the victim of a lightning strike. Her two pre-school children had been fatally struck by lightning that penetrated the thatched roof of their home during the night. She also had been struck but was still alive, but the mission physician’s opinion was that it was doubtful she would survive.
Even though she was burned beyond recognition and suffering severely, the nurses, physician, and chaplain cared for and attended to and prayed with her. After two months in the hospital, the chaplain made his daily visit for assurance, scripture reading and prayer and discovered her bed empty. Further inquiry indicated she had requested to go outside on the hospital’s veranda to enjoy the sunshine of the morning. Two weeks later she was released from the hospital with the prognosis that as healing continued, she would be able to live a normal life.
This hospital, physician, and others who cared and prayed, made the difference. That difference was and is made by the ministry of reaching out that makes the Mt. Selinda Hospital and Mission a continuing tool for learning, healing and caring in Zimbabwe.
(Prayer and Mission Moment by Jack and Midge Barnes)
Mission Partners in Zimbabwe:
- Christian Care
- United Church of Christ in Zimbabwe (UCCZ)
- Zimbabwe Council of Churches
- United Theological College – Harare
- Zimbabwe Synod, UCCSA
Video Resource about:
Seeking justice in Zimbabwe:
Global Ministries Missionaries in Zimbabwe:
Jack and Midge Barnes served with the United Church of Christ in Zimbabwe. Jack worked with local pastors in development, and the health facility in chaplaincy. Midge worked in education with the area orphanage.