Pray with Colombia Sunday, October 27, 2019

Pray with Colombia Sunday, October 27, 2019

Colombia_Michael_Joseph_Nueva_Venecia_Pedro_copy.jpegLectionary Selection: Luke 18:9-14

Prayers for Colombia:  

Loving God,

Today we pray for the country of Colombia and our partners in mission there. As they work for the full implementation of the peace accords that seek to bring fighting to an end, may they feel your guiding presence. Encourage them even as they feel like a voice in the wilderness calling for peace. Give them stamina when others become discouraged at the slow pace of peacebuilding. Show them a way forward even when others return to violent confrontation.

May your justice, oh Lord, be known through the work of our partners as they minister to the millions of internally displaced persons in Colombia, as they work for the reintegration of former combatants into civilian life and as they speak out for restorative justice and reconciliation even in the midst of ongoing violence. May your healing touch be felt in their lives and seen through their ministries.

We thank you, God, for the witness of Justapaz and of the Peace Commission of the Evangelical Council of Colombia. Watch over them and give them strength as they witness to your peace with justice in Colombia.

Mission Stewardship Moment from Colombia:

To stand for peace in the midst of war is not easy. But that is precisely what our partners in Colombia, South America have done for more than twenty-five years. With their country in the middle of a violent internal armed conflict that has claimed the lives of over 250,000 Colombians, they have not wavered in their commitment to peaceful conflict resolution. They have not wavered in their commitment to care for those who have suffered the harms of war. They have not wavered in their commitment to being a prophetic voice for peace with social justice.

Following a peace accord signed between the Colombian Government and the FARC rebels in 2016, Colombia continues to implement its provisions. As is often the case, the implementation is rocky. There is much opposition. Some prefer the chaos of war, and the fortunes that can be made through its waging. But our partners, the Mennonite Center for Justice, Peace and Nonviolent Action (Justapaz) and the Peace Commission of the Evangelical Council of Colombia, know that the road to a more complete peace may be rocky, but it is the road we are called to construct. Today, we stand with our partners and commit ourselves alongside them, to be peacemakers in this world.

Prayer and Mission Moment by Michael Joseph

Mission Partners in Colombia:

More information on Colombia

Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in Colombia:
Michael Joseph serves with the Peace Commission of the Evangelical Council of Colombia (CEDECOL). His appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, and your special gifts.