Pray with Guatemala Sunday, January 19, 2020

Pray with Guatemala Sunday, January 19, 2020

Guatemala_home_Paul_Pitcher_copy.jpgLectionary Selection:  John 1:29-42

Prayers for Guatemala:

Supplication by Brayan Alvarado, General Coordinator of the Ecumenical Christian Council of Guatemala:

Lord, today as yesterday, the economy and governments betray the people, putting themselves at the service of those who pay, kill, criminalize, and disable those who defend the law and life. Many, out of fear or blindness, slavishly accommodate the bleak order. We ask you, God, to open the eyes and ears of those who do not see or hear the suffering of your children. Make us sensitive to pain, that we understand that aggression against them is aggression to you. We beseech you, clarity, and courage to do justice to the little ones of this world and guarantee a dignified life.

Supplication of Father Hugo Padilla, Pastor of the San Bautista Episcopal Church:

We beg you to have compassion for the brothers and sisters of San Juan Sacatepéquez who are being victims of the blatant ambition of the cement company, supported by national and international circles of power. Father, they are depriving your people of their lands, regardless of life and legitimate ancestral rights over the territory. Powerful Father, in your compassion, preserve them from the evil that boils in the heart of this ungrateful company, and strengthen the just struggle of the communities of San Juan. Give them the wisdom to face and overcome this evil. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen

Mission Stewardship Moment from Guatemala:

Ten Kaqchikel communities of San Juan Sacatepéquez protect their land of flowers against the dispossession of the powerful Cemento Progreso Company that belongs to the Novela family. We, the Ecumenical Christian Council of Guatemala and our Catholic and Episcopalian counterparts saw the Kaqchikel communities acting with conviction and divine clarity. We saw that in them and with them is the Lamb of God that overcomes evil, and as Andrew and the other disciple, we sought them out and they welcomed us and we became intertwined with them.

On December 12, we went to celebrate a Christmas in prayer in the community of the Pajoques, in the land of Francisco Wuamuch. There, Francisco and his wife Estefanía told us, “On December 3, the people of the company arrived with machinery to pave our land, claiming that our land was their property. I told them, this land is mine, I have not sold it. I have the ground deeds, it’s mine.”

In the face of looting and aggression, the Kaqchikeles, are alert in permanent surveillance, 24-7, with voice and non-violent gestures, protecting the inheritance of their grandparents. They are not the poor Indians we must pity, rather they are the uncomfortable prophets to the powerful. They are the manifestation of God who lights up roads.

Therefore, I am looking for you, as Andrew looked for Peter so that you recognize in your brothers and sisters the God of life. The Savior wants you to become a rock of justice and integrity, firm against impiety. Have communion today, with your brothers and sisters from San Juan Sacatepéquez in Guatemala, raising your voice with theirs.

Prayer and Mission Moment by Ricardo Mayol

Mission Partners in Guatemala:

More information on Guatemala:

Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in Guatemala:
Ricardo Mayol serves with the Ecumenical Christian Council of Guatemala (CECG). His appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, and your special gifts.


Ora con Guatemala, domingo 19 de enero de 2020

Selección de Leccionario: Juan 1: 29-42

Oraciones por Guatemala:

Súplica de Brayan Alvarado, Coordinador general del Concejo:

Señor, hoy como ayer, la economía y  los gobiernos traicionan al pueblo, y poniéndose al servicio del que paga, matan, criminalizan, deshabilitan a los que defienden el derecho y la vida; y muchos, por temor o por ceguera, servilmente se acomodan al orden desolador. Te pedimos, Dios, que abras los ojos y oídos que no ven ni oyen el sufrimiento de tus hijxs. Haznos sensibles al dolor, que entendamos que una agresión a ellxs, la hacen a ti. Te suplicamos, claridad y coraje para hacer justicia a los pequeños de este mundo y garantizar la vida digna.

Súplica del padre Hugo Padilla, Párroco de la Iglesia Episcopal San Bautista:

Te suplicamos tengas compasión de los hermanx de San Juan Sacatepéquez que están siendo víctimas  de la descarada ambición de la empresa cementera, apoyada por los círculos de poder nacionales e internacionales. Padre, ellos  están  despojando de sus tierras a tu pueblo, sin importarles la vida y los legítimos derechos ancestrales sobre el territorio. Padre poderoso, en tu compasión, preserva de la maldad que hierve en  el corazón de esta compañía ingrata, y fortalece la lucha justa de las comunidades de San Juan, dales sabiduría para enfrentar y vencer a este mal, por Jesucristo Nuestro Señor.  Amén

Momento de mayordomía de la misión de Guatemala:

Diez comunidades kaqchikales de San Juan Sacatepéquez protegen su tierra de flores contra el despojo de  la poderosa empresa Cemento Progreso que pertenece a la familia Novela. El Concejo Ecuménico Cristiano de Guatemala y sus contrapartes católicas y episcopales viéndoles actuar con convicción y claridad divina, supimos que en ellas y con ellas está el cordero de Dios que vence al mal, y como Andrés y el otro discípulo, las buscamos, ellas nos acogieron y con ellas nos hermanamos.

El 12 de diciembre, que fuimos a celebrar una oración posada navideña en la comunidad de los Pajoques, en el terreno de Don Francisco Wuamuch, Don Francisco y su esposa Estefanía nos contaron que el 3 de diciembre la gente de la empresa llegó con maquinaria a allanar su terreno, alegando que su terreno era propiedad de ellos. Les dije, este terreno es mío, no lo he vendido; tengo las escrituras, es mío.

Frente a este saqueo y muchas agresiones, lxs kaqchikeles, alertas en con vigilancia permanente, 24-7, con voz y gestos no-violentos, protegen la herencia de sus abuelos. Ellos no son los pobres inditos a los que hay que conmiserar, son incomodos profetas a los poderosos, son manifestación de Dios que alumbra caminos. 

Por eso, vine a buscarte, como Andrés buscó Pedro, para que reconozcas en tus hermanxs al Dios de la vida. Quiere el Salvador convertirte en roca de justicia e integridad, firme contra la impiedad. Comulga, hoy, con tus hermanxs de San Juan Sacatepéquez en Guatemala, y levanta tu voz con la de ellos.