Pray with Hungary Sunday, January 26, 2020

Pray with Hungary Sunday, January 26, 2020

Hungary_2004_Evan_Golder_02_copy.jpgLectionary Selection:  Matthew 4:12-23

Prayers for Hungary:

Redeemer God,

We lift up our sisters and brothers in Hungary and those in the refugee integration ministry and the Roma mission of the Reformed Church in Hungary. 

There are many times when we are so caught up in our lives that we forget to look around at the people around us. Today we confess our cold and neglectful nature: We tend to ignore the people who are alone, we run away from those who are sick, we invalidate people according to our own standards, and we refuse to lend a hand to those sitting for 38 years, day and night, alone, waiting to be helped.

There are many people fleeing their homes in search of a safe place to live. However, passages are becoming narrower and harder to pass, and families are being separated along the journey. In Hungary, we pray for the individuals and families who are being neglected and pushed to the margins of society, for those who are being persecuted for their beliefs, for those who have come in search of a better life and a better education for their children.

We are called to do something. We are called to act, to look around at those who are close to us, to those who are hurting.

Give us peace to look around at our hurting neighbors, humble our hearts so that we may do what You are calling us to do, and courage to act as Jesus did.


Mission Stewardship Moment from Hungary:

In John 5:1-9, Jesus helps a sick man who had been sitting by the healing pool, Bethesda, for 38 years. Despite being the Sabbath, Jesus heals the man. Jesus reaches out to the man who had been neglected and ignored for 38 years.

As Jesus reached out and helped the man, God calls us to follow in his steps. There is an amazing group of staff and volunteers at Kalunba Social Services Ltd. and Temegén who work hard to provide for the people who are being neglected, forgotten, and left alone and sick. The incredible work of Kalunba in refugee integration in a country, in a world, where refugees are unwelcome, provides resources for essential services for integration into society, including housing, education, and employment. Kalunba also works hard to provide a community atmosphere of loving, caring, open-minded people. Likewise, Temegén has a fantastic group of young people who work hard to make sure that the Roma (Gypsy) children in the district get the help they need, with homework, projects, life skills, and making plans for their future. This afterschool center provides a safe space for the children to be children – to play, laugh, question, do homework, and explore.

The courageous and humble people who have answered God’s call to follow in his steps are doing amazing things in the lives of those who need a loving hand to reach out to them.

Prayer and Mission Moment by Priscilla Yang

Mission Partners in Hungary:

Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in Hungary:
Priscilla Yang serves with the Reformed Church of Hungary. Her appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, WOC, and your special gifts.