Pray with Kenya on Sunday, November 11, 2018
Lectionary Selection: Mark 1:14-20
Prayers for Kenya:
Dear God,
As we gather to worship you, fill us with anticipation and prepare us by your Spirit. Be the first thought in our hearts and help us to be conscious of your direction. Strengthen us for service, nourish us with the bread of life, transform us for mission.
We know that we have preferred to stay with the questions rather than to look for solutions in the global provision of food and resources. Forgive us that we have kept what we have to ourselves rather than offering it up to you for your blessing so that you might feed and sustain others. Forgive us that we have forgotten to gather up the pieces and have failed to be concerned about the waste that our society produces. Be for us here the Bread of Heaven, and feed and renew us so that we might share in your purpose in giving life to the world.
In Kenya, as well as in other parts of the continent of Africa, people are dying from hunger though you have blessed our nations with good weather and fertile soil. Be the real bread of life to many who are struggling in their daily life.
I believe that you have heard our prayer in Jesus name.
Mission Stewardship Moment from Kenya:
The Democratic Republic of Congo is going through a period of uncertainty in regard to peace issue in days to come. This is because the term for the current president has been over since December 2016. A period of one extension was given to him to organize elections but nothing was done. Finally, the date for election was chosen and is set for December 23rd. The Commission for Integrity and Electoral Mediation which is a body of Interfaith platform in DRC is fearing that the upcoming election might bring violence. So they asked accompaniment from the All Africa Council of Churches in organizing a National Consultation for Peace prior to the election. I travelled to Kinshasa over the summer for discussion and planning meetings with them.
(Prayer and Mission Moment by Bosela Eale)
Mission Partners in Kenya:
More information on Kenya:
Global Ministries Mission Coworker in Kenya:
Bosela Eale serves with the Peace, Diakonia, and Development Office in Kenya. His appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, and your special gifts.