Responsibilities of the Group Members

- Prepare for the trip by reading and participating in pre-trip meetings.
- Be on time for each part of the itinerary, stay with the group, and reboard the bus on time. If there is a problem, speak with the group leader. Never leave the group, while at a group event, without telling the leader. Otherwise the whole group will lose time looking for you.
- Stay with the itinerary. People have gone out of their way to meet with you.
- Inform the group leader if you will not be taking part in a section of the itinerary or if you have a problem. Often the group leader can provide options for you.
- Attend reflection times, briefings and debriefings; ask questions and make comments. Be actively a part of the trip.
- Respect the culture you are in. You are a guest in the area, so think about how you would want guests to treat you in your home territory.
- When you have a meeting with someone, be sensitive to their values as you comment or ask questions. You do not need to agree with their position but you ought not be disrespectful or aggressively challenge their position. Sarcasm is completely out of place. Don’t try to change people or advise them but listen to them and learn from them.
- Participate in an evaluation of your experience.
- Take note of the ideas for following up and being a good speaker that your leader will give to you, and use them.
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