Sabeel Wave of Prayer: Week of Aug. 28, 2023

Sabeel Wave of Prayer: Week of Aug. 28, 2023

In the upcoming week, Kumi Now will delve into the issue of unfair discrimination encountered by Palestinian citizens of Israel within the realm of education. This discrimination manifests in various aspects such as inadequate funding, biased curriculum, and the pervasive violence directed towards Palestinian students, thereby highlighting an additional element of the systematic prejudice against Palestinians.

ŸDivine creator, we pray for all young Palestinians who are faced with unfair discrimination experienced in the Israeli schools. May You provide the next generation of Palestinians with the strength to face adversity and the wisdom to discern truth from lies.                                                                                                                                                Lord in Your mercy…

Last week, Sabeel in cooperation with their Armenian partners in the old city of Jerusalem issued a statement titled “Standing Unwavering and Resolute”. This statement addresses the challenges faced by Christian communities in the Holy Land, particularly the recent events like the controversial property deal in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City between the Armenian Patriarchy and Israeli settler organizations. The statement further calls for unity among Christians, international support, and the protection of historical heritage in the face of discrimination.

ŸDear Lord Jesus, we lift up the challenges and concerns that the Christian community in the Holy Land are facing, particularly the recent events surrounding the Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem’s Old City. Grant us strength to stand as one, to support and uplift each other in the face of adversity.                                                                                            Lord in Your mercy…

Last week on the 21st of August, Palestinian protesters marched along the eastern borders of Gaza City to mark the 54th anniversary of the arson attack on the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Israeli soldiers were stationed along the Gaza borderlines attacking protesters with live ammunition and tear gas canisters, shooting and injuring one person.

God of the oppressed, we pray for the Palestinian protesters who demanded their freedom and dignity by marking the anniversary of the tragic arson attack on the Al-Aqsa Mosque. We pray for recovery for those injured and for the end of the illegal Israeli siege on the Gaza strip.                                                                                                   Lord in Your mercy…

On the 22nd of August, Othman Abu-Khoruj, aged 17, was fatally shot in the head during an Israeli raid on the town of Zababdeh, south of Jenin. Abu-Khoruj worked at the local bakery and was the youngest son of his family. This is the highest number of Palestinian fatalities since 2005 in the West Bank.

ŸEternal God, we lift up his family, his friends, and his community as they navigate through this unimaginable pain and sorrow. We remember all those who have lost their lives and loved ones in similar situations. May their memories serve as a call for peace and a reminder of the value of every life.                                                                                      Lord in Your mercy…

We are delighted to announce that during the previous week, the board of Friends of Sabeel North America convened in Chicago for discussions regarding the optimal path forward in their mission. Adding to this good news, Jonathan Kuttab, the Executive Director of Friends of Sabeel North America, was honored with the prestigious title of the 2023 Legacy Peacemaker by the Mennonite Church in USA. This esteemed award is bestowed upon individuals who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of peace and justice.

ŸGracious God, thank you for the important work of Friends of Sabeel North America. We pray that they be steered by Your wisdom and insight, paving the way for impactful actions that foster understanding and compassion. We are delighted by the news of Jonathan Kuttab. Grant them strength, perseverance, and resilience in their pursuit of a more harmonious and equitable world.                                                                                  Lord in Your mercy…

Last week, San Francisco State University (SFSU) once again worsened its harassment of Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi. SFSU cancelled the Palestine course which was moderated by Dr. Abdulhadi, and thus confirmed its pro-Israel bias and complicity with Zionist organizations that have long sought to silence Palestinian voices in higher education.

ŸHeavenly Father, we pray for Dr. Abdulhadi to be encouraged and strengthened during these frustrating times. We pray that all institutions of higher education, including SFSU, uphold the fundamental principles of academic freedom and inclusivity. May they cease actions that contribute to the silencing of Palestinian voices and perpetuate bias.                                                                                                                                              Lord in Your mercy…

In the past week, the Christian community in Jerusalem came together to honor the assumption of Mary, a celebration of profound beauty. This meaningful observance includes cherished indigenous customs, like the symbolic journey from the Church of Resurrection to the Church of the Sepulcher of Mary. Sabeel Jerusalem, with a mission to rekindle the spirit of the community picnic commemorating the Virgin Mary’s Assumption, is actively arranging a vibrant bazaar for this purpose. Set to unfold in the serene Garden of Gethsemane, situated within the grounds of the Armenian Orthodox Church, this noteworthy event is scheduled for the first and second days of September.

ŸGracious God, we gather in gratitude for the rich tapestry of traditions that define our world. We celebrate the recent local Christian celebration in Jerusalem, where local Christians celebrated in honor of the assumption of Mary. This sacred occasion, woven with indigenous practices, reflects the depth of tradition that is present in Jerusalem. May the Sabeel bazaar in the Garden of Gethsemane be a source of joy, unity, and renewed faith.                                                                                                                              Lord in Your mercy… Ÿ

We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Cape Verde, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, and Senegal.