Sabeel Wave of Prayer: Week of Oct. 16, 2023

Sabeel Wave of Prayer: Week of Oct. 16, 2023

More than a week since the beginning of a series of catastrophic events in Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel, the suffering continues. After Hamas’ operation called “Al-Aqsa Flood” which killed more than 1400 Israelis and rendering thousands more injured, Israel launched a devastating attack on Gaza. Heavy Israeli bombardments on Gaza, from the air, sea, and land, have continued almost uninterrupted, resulting in the deaths of thousands of Palestinians lives and many more injured. It is reported that Israel has been committing numerous war crimes during their aggression on Gaza.

– God of love, we lament for all those who have recently lost loved ones, may your Holy Spirit comfort the bereaved families. We call for your mercy Lord through lamentation. This land has witnessed so much bloodshed and suffering which has created a vicious cycle of violence. We pray, for true transformation without reverting to a violent status quo, where Palestinians and Israelis are free and equal.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On October 7th, Israel’s Minister of Energy, Israel Katz, enacted severe measures, cutting off water, fuel, medical aid, and electricity to Gaza. These actions amounted to a collective punishment against Gaza’s residents. Gaza was already grappling with a humanitarian crisis due to the Israeli siege, but it has now escalated into an unprecedented and catastrophic humanitarian tragedy affecting two million people. Additionally, Israel issued an evacuation order for 1.1 million residents in the northern part of Gaza, with no secure routes provided to reach safety in the south. This decision resulted in further unimaginable suffering.

– Emmanuel, we come before you confused, shocked, saddened, and angry. We struggle to see your presence right now and we ask “Weynak ya Allah?!”. We hold on to the belief that each person is created in your image and is precious in your eyes. As your children in Gaza are struggling for their basic needs, we pray that You provide them Your daily bread. Bless all the medical staff who are taking care of the wounded in such extreme adverse circumstances.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer    

Since the start of the escalation of violence, the EU, the United States, the United Kingdom, and several other countries have been uncritical towards Israel’s actions against Gaza. In response, on Saturday the 14th of October, thousands of protestors all around the world took to the streets in their support of Palestine, opposition to international compliance, and called for international law to be implemented.

– God of the oppressed, we are resilient to the truth that you love those who are in the margins of society, and you are the Alpha and the Omega. Many voices have tried to cry out that the situation is not sustainable and will collapse into a reality of darkness where many will suffer. We pray that the international community will strive for a just solution which entails the ending of hatred, occupation, apartheid, and Jewish supremacy. May we live in a land where justice, peace, and love flourishes, where every tear will be wiped away and mourning shall be no more.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer 

On the 11th of October, Sabeel Jerusalem published a statement regarding the current situation in Palestine-Israel. The statement contextualizes the events within the broader framework of 75 years of apartheid and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people, condemns all forms of violent resistance and calls for nonviolence, and calls for international law to be implemented.

– Heavenly Father, we ask that this statement encourages the Sabeel of love, compassion, and justice. Since the First Intifada in 1987, we have advocated for the oppressed through international law and non-violent resistance. Lord, help us in these times be a witness to Your kingdom so that Your will be done.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer 

Next week, Kumi Now Online will focus on the effects of the Palestinian-Israeli reality on Palestinian women. The violence of colonialism has created systems of oppression which are interlinked. Indeed, Zionism and the patriarchy are connected making the oppression of Palestinian women intersectional and multidimensional. Hence, Palestinian women are particularly marginalized.

– Divine creator, You created humanity in Your image. You incarnated Yourself in human form. We lift up all Palestinian women who are suffering from Patriarchy and Zionism. May our struggle for liberation be intersectional and just for all people, witnessing Your kingdom where all are equal.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

On October 7th, Afghanistan was struck by the first in a series of devastating earthquakes. Initial reports indicate a death toll exceeding 2000 lives, with expectations of further increases, along with numerous injuries. Many residents of the affected region are sleeping outdoors, fearing the collapse of their homes and potential entrapment under rubble as subsequent quakes may hit. The situation worsened with the arrival of dust storms, causing further damage to the tents where survivors sought shelter.

– Eternal God, we pray for the well-being, safety, and comfort of all those affected by these challenging circumstances in Afghanistan. May they find strength and support during these difficult times and may the world come together to extend a helping hand to those in need. Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer– We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico.