Sabeel Wave of Prayer: Week of Sept. 3, 2024

Sabeel Wave of Prayer: Week of Sept. 3, 2024

Last week, the Israeli military launched its largest-scale military invasion of the West Bank since the Second Intifada in 2002, targeting the Palestinian towns of Jenin, Tulkarem, and Nablus. Israeli media reports that this assault will involve thousands of soldiers, air strikes, and missiles for an indefinite amount of time. At least 21 Palestinians have already been killed in Israeli military operations since the announcement. At least 646 Palestinians, including 148 children, have been killed by Israeli soldiers and settlers in the occupied West Bank since the beginning of this year.

Divine Creator, we come to you afraid and broken. As the war and violence continue to spreads to the West Bank and the entire region, we pray for your protection. We ask you to protect our families, friends, and the most vulnerable among us. Bring comfort and intervention especially to those in the refugee camps, who are suffering the most from the bombings, airstrikes, and violence. We bring our deep fears and anxiety to You, and we ask the Spirit to fill us with resolute faith and steadfastness so that we may be seekers of goodness, justice, and liberation at all times.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

Last week, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said that Israel’s attacks on healthcare infrastructure and water supplies, as well as the ongoing obstruction of aid, are contributing to a “potentially catastrophic polio outbreak” in the Gaza Strip, after a 10-month-old baby was paralyzed by the type 2 polio virus in the first confirmed case of polio in 25 years. While the Israeli army cooperated in the UN delivery of 25,000 vaccine vials, its commanders have refused to pause the bombing to ensure safe and effective immunization efforts and since August, the army has issued 16 evacuation orders, forcing 12% of Gaza’s population to move within a few days. To make matters worse, safe spaces in Gaza are becoming smaller and smaller as Israel expands its attacks in Gaza. 

God of the innocent, it is unconscionable that the world has let these atrocities continue for over 10 months. We know that any temporary ceasefire will not console the people of Gaza nor save them. As they suffer from illness on top of war and violence, we pray for Your intervention. We pray for an end to war and accountability for those who have allowed this madness to reign.  

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

Last week, the World Food Programme (WFP) had to pause their operations in the Gaza Strip  after one of its vehicles was hit by gunfire just meters from an Israeli-controlled checkpoint. The agency said it was the first time in the 10-month-long war that one of its vehicles has been directly shot at near a checkpoint. 

Prince of Peace, we are saddened and outraged to see international law so carelessly discarded and the silence of the powerful when double standards occur. We ask you to shine Your light on the people of Gaza and those who care for them, including aid workers, hospital workers, and other civil servants. Guide churches, leaders, and institutions around the world to seek truth and call out these injustices.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

Last week, far-right Israeli politician Itamar Ben-Gvir continued inflaming religious tensions by calling to alter the status of the Al Aqsa mosque, advocating for building a synagogue inside the mosque. While he has led incursions into Al Aqsa with illegal Israeli settlers and called for allowing Jewish prayers at the site, this is the first time for the minister to openly speak about building a synagogue at the site. Over the last few months, Ben Givir has enjoyed protections from the Israeli police who are under his jurisdiction while he violated the legal and historical status of Al Aqsa. The Palestinian Foreign Ministry warned of grave consequences from Ben-Gvir’s call, citing it as is an explicit and public call to demolish Al-Aqsa and build the alleged temple in its place. 

Lord of All Creation, we reject the actions of those who misuse faith to promote hatred, exclusion, and violence. Protect Jerusalem from those who seek to undermine its diversity and disrupt its peace. We especially ask for Your guidance to respect and preserve the status quo at Al Aqsa Mosque, ensuring that this holy site remains a place of peace and prayer for our Muslim community. Empower all people of conscience to speak out against hatred and discrimination, and to defend international law.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

Last week, Sabeel welcomed an interfaith delegation, consisting of Christians for Ceasefire, Muslims for Ceasefire, Rabbis 4 Ceasefire, and Hindus for Human Rights. The delegation is visiting communities all over Palestine and Israel to accompany those under attack and draw attention to need to defend human rights and withhold international law.

Holy God, we thank you for the opportunities to share our stories and support our communities during this difficult time. We are grateful for the delegations that come to witness and advocate, despite their own fears of their safety being in the region. We ask You to protect them and make them agents of Your love and justice. Fill Sabeel’s staff members, volunteers, and friends with strength and humility so that they may continue being faithful servants of Your will amidst the hatred and violence.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

Last week, New York University (NYU) declared the category of “Zionist” as a protected class, equal to marginalized ethnic and religious groups. The criticism of Zionism now counts as a discriminatory act and prevents any “discriminatory comment” to be made against anyone identifying as Zionist. NYU, like many universities, recently adopted the IHRA definition of antisemitism which similarly equates any criticism with Israel as antisemitism. Meanwhile, while scholasticide rages on in Gaza, many students worldwide began their first week of classes protesting their universities’ complicity in genocide. Universities like the University of Michigan have already begun brutal crackdowns on peaceful demonstrators, arresting many and deploying mass surveillance methods.  

God of Truth, as we witness our institutions and leaders fail to protect the most vulnerable and weaponize identities to continue profiting from war and violence, we are grateful for the students and young people who refuse to accept this unjust world. In their resistance to systems of domination, they are imagining a new world, one in which Your goodness and light reign. Lord, give courage to the students so that they may continue being bearers of truth and instruments of Your liberating love. Give wisdom to the leaders with hardened hearts, so that they may repent from their self-righteousness and listen to the voices of the young people.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Benin, Ivory Coast, Togo. 

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer