Sabeel Wave of Prayer-Oct. 1, 2015
Wave of Prayer: This prayer ministry enables local and international friends of Sabeel to pray over regional concerns on a weekly basis. Sent to Sabeel’s network of supporters, the prayer is used in services around the world and during Sabeel’s Thursday Communion service; as each community in its respective time zone lifts these concerns in prayer at noon every Thursday, this “wave of prayer” washes over the world.
Dear God we give thanks for Christian leaders throughout the world who stand up for justice and speak truth to power. In the month-long strike of Christian schools in Israel we give thanks for those leaders and negotiators who worked tirelessly for equitable funding and the right to teach without ideological constraints imposed by governments. With the announcement of a negotiated settlement and as 33,000 Christian, Muslim and Druze students now return to class, continue to give us all inquiring minds, discerning hearts and a thirst for justice.
Lord hear our prayer… And let our cry come unto you
As thousands of fundamentalist Christians converge on Jerusalem this week for the Festival of the Tabernacles, and as they give blind and uncritical support to the exclusive theologies and unjust policies of the right-wing gov’t of Israel, open dear Lord, the hearts and minds of all Christians so that we may truly be instruments of your peace. We pray that all may seek a just and comprehensive peace where Palestinians and Israelis can live as neighbors and share the land in peace and security. Lord hear our prayer……. And let our cry come unto you.
Dear God as leaders of the nations gather together this week at the General Assembly of the United Nations, we give thanks for the nation states that recognize the state of Palestine. We give thanks for the message of Pope Francis for the need for international responsibility as global citizens. We pray that the leaders of the world may raise their voices in solidarity with those who demand an end to the occupation of their land, so that Palestine and Israel may live within secure borders, democratic rights and religious freedom. Lord hear our prayer…And Let our cry come unto you
God through Christ you want us all to have life and life more abundantly. As Palestinians even through 48 years under military occupation seek abundant living we give thanks for the efforts of the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism as they won the best-video award of the United Nations’ World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) , and for the joy brought by the Palestinian basketball team and players as an unseeded and unranked team had won against stronger opponents. Lord hear our prayer…And Let our cry come unto you
We pray alongside of WCC for the countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. Lord hear our prayer…And Let our cry come unto you