Statement regarding disappearance of 43 students in Mexico

Statement regarding disappearance of 43 students in Mexico

On November 8th, 2014, 42 days after the killing of the three teaching students and the kidnapping of the other 43, Jesus Murillo Karam, MexicoΓÇÖs Attorney General, held a press conference where he made a report to the media about the killing of the students by drug trafficking organizations on September 26th and 27th.

En español

Statement of the Chiapas Ecumenical Network regarding the disappearance of the 43 teaching students from Ayotzninapa, Mexico

17 Learn to do well. Seek judgment, relieve the oppressed; judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. Isaiah 1:17 (KJ21)

We are men and women from different denominations and civil society organizations, as part of the Chiapas Ecumenical Network.

We send our Greetings of peace in the midst of a national situation full of violence, forceful disappearances, organized crime “allowed by our own governmental authorities,” apathy and indifference from some religious and political sectors, denounces and statements from civil society, Non-Governmental Organizations and from different religious experiences.

On September 26th, 2014, students from Rural Teaching School “Raul Isidro Burgos” on Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, Mexico, were attacked by municipal police from the counties of Iguala and Cocula.  In the attack, three students as well as three other civilians died, twenty-five people were injured and forty-three were taken against their will to places not revealed even until the present time.  

On November 8th, 2014, 42 days after the killing of the three teaching students and the kidnapping of the other 43, Jesus Murillo Karam, Mexico’s Attorney General, held a press conference where he made a report to the media about the killing of the students by drug trafficking organizations on September 26th and 27th.  

The information shared by the Attorney General was not only rejected by the families of the 43 students, but also by international and national civil organizations because the proof offered by authorities is not convincing because of the inadequate technological instruments used in the investigation or even waiting for the results of an independent investigation held by a team of Argentinian forensics.

Based on these events, as perpetrated by organized crime and the non-convincing declarations from the authorities who were responsible for the deaths and the disappearances, the Chiapas Ecumenical Network declares that governmental efforts have not been enough and we invite every citizen, regardless of religious and political affiliation to join in protest and request to the authorities to deal with the issue with justice and transparency.

We denounce every act of conspiracy between authorities and criminals.  Mexico doesn’t have to suffer from innocent bloodsheds and forced disappearances.

We pray to God for the Ayotzinapa students’ families, stating that, even though human justice seems to be so distant on these lands, Divine Justice will come to who want to overshadow the investigation process.  


“Aprended a hacer el bien; buscad el juicio, restituid al agraviado..” Isaías 1: 17 a.

Quienes nos pronunciamos somos mujeres y hombres de distintas confesiones religiosas  y organizaciones de la sociedad civil que conformamos la Red Ecuménica de Chiapas.

Les enviamos un saludo de paz en medio de un escenario nacional  de violencia, desapariciones forzadas, crimen más que organizado “permitido por nuestras propias autoridades”, apatía e indiferencia de algunos sectores religiosos y políticos. denuncias y pronunciamientos de  algunos sectores de la sociedad civil, de  organizaciones no gubernamentales y de distintas expresiones religiosas.

El 26 de septiembre del presente año, estudiantes de La Escuela Normal Rural “Raúl Isidro Burgos” de Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, fueron atacados por policías municipales de Iguala y Cocula. En el hecho murieron tres normalistas y tres personas más, 25 resultaron heridas y 43 más fueron llevadas forzosamente a lugares hasta ahora no revelados por las autoridades.

El sábado 08 de noviembre, a 42 días de ocurrido el asesinato de los tres normalistas y el secuestro de otros 43, Jesús Murillo Karam, Procurador General de la República, en conferencia de prensa dio a conocer a la opinión pública el relato de una operación de exterminio  en las fechas 26 y 27 de septiembre por parte, según él, del crimen organizado.

La información emitida por el Procurador suscitó no sólo el rechazo de los familiares de los 43 jóvenes desaparecidos forzosamente, sino también de organizaciones civiles naciones y organismos internacionales, porque las pruebas presentadas son refutables, por querer dar carpetazo a la investigación, por no recurrir a instrumentos tecnológicos adecuados, y no haber esperado los resultados que emitiría el equipo de forenses argentinos que participan en la investigación.

Ante estos acontecimientos perpetrados por el crimen permitido y ante las declaraciones non gratas ni convincentes de las autoridades a quienes les compete conocer el asunto, nos pronunciamos inconformes como Red Ecuménica de Chiapas, invitando a la ciudadanía en general, sin importar la credencial religiosa y política que se porte, a unirse en este acto de protesta y exigencia a las autoridades a llevar el asunto conforme a derecho y actuar en consecuencia con justicia y transparencia.

Denunciamos todo acto de contubernio entre las autoridades y las bandas delictivas. México no debe teñirse de más sangre de inocentes ni de desapariciones forzosas.

Pedimos a Dios por las madres y los padres de los normalistas de Ayotzinapa, reiterándoles que, aunque  la justicia humana parezca tan lejana en estas tierras, la Justicia Divina vendrá sobre quienes quieran entenebrecer el proceso de investigación.