Sylvania United Church of Christ members raise money for the education of girls in the Congo through a Vacation Bible Study
Sylvania United Church of Christ
Sylvania, Ohio
Approximately 70 adults and children gathered at Sylvania United Church of Christ for the Journey to Congo Vacation Bible School in July 2015. Each evening introduced a new daily theme of hospitality, water, education, and health. Every lesson was creatively crafted to introduce aspects of life in the Congo and to also incorporate Bible stories connected with the theme of the night. Throughout the week, participants had the opportunity to create musical instruments, play games to better understand the challenges of finding clean water in the Congo, listen to personal testimonies of individuals who have visited Africa, and learn Swahili phrases and African dances. By the end of the week, the Vacation Bible School participants at Sylvania United Church of Christ gained a better understanding of life in the Congo and donated over $520 to Global Ministries to support the education of girls in the Congo.
The Journey to Congo Vacation Bible School curriculum was created by Global Ministries and is available on our website here.