Tilda Hospital, India, celebrates the Class of 2015

Tilda Hospital, India, celebrates the Class of 2015

School of Nursing
Church of North India
Raipur, Chhattisgarth
Update May 2015

The Church of North India is a longstanding partner of Global Ministries.  The church carries out activities of outreach, Christian education, and leadership development.  Raipur is the largest city of its region and has been in existence since the 9th Century.  It is situated in the fertile plains of the Chhattisgarth Region in the southeastern part of the upper Madanadi valley with bordering hills in the south and the east. 

The medical work of the Church of North India is a critical ministry to an immense population in poor rural and agricultural communities for whom medical care has always been unreliable in quality and availability. An important part of the medical work is the Tilda Hospital and Tilda Hospital Nursing School.  

The work at the Tilda School of Nursing, an educational program of the hospital continues to progress very well.  There are 60 students both male and female, and the program is graduating trained nurses every year.  These nurses help to staff hospitals and clinics that serve the growing population of India, especially in the rural areas. 


In early 2015, Reverend Deenabandhu Manchala, Global Ministries Area Executive of the Southern Asia and Reverend Dr. James Moos, Co-Executive of Global Ministries, visited the Tilda School of Nursing and participated in the 76th Annual Nursing Graduation and 81st Capping ceremonies on the lawn of the School of Nursing. 

With a class motto of “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean unto thine own understanding”, 21 men and women graduated from the school of nursing, and 20 other men and women were ‘capped’ into the program as new first year students. The graduates and the entering students come from many parts of India, mostly rural and mostly from the Dalit/Indigenous sectors of Indian society.  The graduates in nursing will help to staff hospitals and clinics that continue to serve the growing population of India, especially in the rural areas.


It was evident during Deenabandhu’s and Jim’s visit that Tilda Hospital is maintaining the ability to provide safe and affordable health care to the poor despite the infrastructural limitations that come with being in a remote village in India.  The team spirit among the staff and with the leadership of Dr. Satyjitmall was impressive to the visitors.  

Global Ministries continues to welcome special gifts in order to provide needed scholarship support for nursing students, or for Tilda Hospital in general.