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region in the world. The people of Bangladesh make their livings from agriculture (3 rice crops per...

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United Kingdom

The United Reformed Church (United Kingdom) The United Kingdom is located in Western Europe,...

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World Student Christian Federation (Switzerland) Switzerland is located in Central Europe, east...

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Lithuania, like its Baltic Sea neighbors Latvia and Estonia, was absorbed into the Soviet Union by...

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Lebanon is often cited as exceptional in the Middle East for its vital pluralism and diversity. A...

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The Waldensian Church (Italy) The American Waldensian Society Centennial Conference Italy is...

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Israel Palestine

Since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, struggles for land and property rights have...

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The Reformed Church in Hungary, with two million members, is the largest Protestant church in...

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Our partner church, the Union of Evangelical Churches (UEK) is a united church joining Reformed and...

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The Reformed Church of France (ERF) has a rich history, originating from the work of John Calvin....

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Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services Bishopric for Public, Ecumenical, and Social...

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Union of Evangelical Congregational Churches in Bulgaria Bulgaria is located in Southeastern...

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On April 11, 2002, Venezuela experienced a military coup d'etat against the democratically elected...

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Iglesia Metodista en el Uruguay (IMU) Uruguay is located in Southern South America, bordering...

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Puerto Rico

This Spanish-speaking island in the Caribbean is officially a Commonwealth of the United States....

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