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Asociacion de Ayuda Legal y Accion Social (ALAS) Peru is located in Western South America,...

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After decades of military dictatorship, Paraguayans struggle to affirm their democratic government...

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Decades of military dictatorship, revolution, and "coalition" governments have left Nicaragua with...

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After 70 years of one-party rule, Mexicans elected a president from the opposition party which has...

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Jamaica is the third most populous Anglophone country in the Americas, after the United States and...

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Haiti shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic. With 99 percent of the...

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Partners Guyana Congregational Union Guyana is located in Northern South America, bordering the...

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Guatemala's culture is a unique product of Native American ways and a strong Spanish colonial...

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El Salvador

Click headline for full article. El Salvador is located in Central America, bordering the North...

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Quito, Ecuador's capital city, is one of the most colonial cities in the region, maintaining 17th...

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Click headline for full article. Cuba is located in Caribbean, island between the Caribbean Sea...

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Costa Rica

Partners Universidad Biblica Latino Americana Iglesia Evangelica Presbiteriana Costarricense (IEPC)...

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Partners CEDECOL - Concilio Evangelico de Colombia Colombia is a country situated in the...

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Chile suffered 17 years of a repressive military regime and has returned to a "democratic"...

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