United States and Canada
United States and Canada
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Global mission can mean bringing a global perspective to your community in the U.S. and Canada, in addition to going out into the world. Here are some ways you can get involved in mission in the U.S. and Canada:
Ministries and Mission Interpreters |
MMIs, the Ministries and Mission Interpreters, are individuals passionate about mission and trained to convey the stories of mission and educate people in local churches about the work of mission around the world. MMIs represent their region (Disciples), conference (UCC) or constituency group. Currently there are fully trained and equipped MMIs actively interpreting in almost all of our Conferences and Regions across the country
Missionary Visits and Relationships |
The Missionary Relationship Program matches Regions in the Disciples of Christ and Conferences in the UCC along with their member congregations with missionaries worldwide. By developing a relationship with a missionary, a UCC Conference or Disciples Region can personalize global mission, focus on new ways of being in mission, develop international understanding, and provide a caring church community for a missionary.
One Great Hour of Sharing |
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) is the relief, refugee and development fund of the United Church of Christ. Through One Great Hour of Sharing, United Church of Christ members reach out in the name of Christ to build sustainable communities, respond to disaster, and minister to refugees. In cooperation with Global Ministries, Church World Service, Action by Churches Together, Interchurch Medical Assistance, Foods Resource Bank, Oikocredit, Freedom from Hunger and hundreds of local partners around the world, One Great Hour of Sharing is part of a remarkable network of service and caring that is efficient, effective and faithful. |

Through Week of Compassion, North American Disciples reach out in the name of Christ to provide emergency and long-term assistance to people in the aftermath of natural and human catastrophes, respond with help, hope and hospitality to people who have been uprooted and displaced from their homelands, support self-help programs of development and rehabilitation that empower people and communities, and encourage and support volunteer groups in “hands-on” mission and service opportunities. Disciples through WOC participate with Christians in nine other Protestant denominations in One Great Hour of Sharing, thus multiplying the effectiveness and extent of our witness many times over. |
Refugee and Immigration Ministries |

Since 1949, the Disciples of Christ have resettled more than 28,000 refugees and assisted countless persons with immigration problems. You and your congregation are invited to become a part of that ministry. Refugee and Immigration Ministries can enable your congregation to participate in the global mission of the church, do hands-on mission work, resettle refugees in your community, respond to the needs of refugees around the world, and advocate for the rights of refugees and immigrants.

The mission of UCC Refugee Ministries is to involve, encourage, and accompany local churches and their members in the life-transforming ministry of refugee resettlement as they journey toward an understanding of the plight of refugees and a compassionate response. Along with others in Church World Service, the UCC — with support from the UCC’s One Great Hour of Sharing offering — has joined in resettling nearly 500,000 refugees in the United States during the past 50 years. Sponsoring a refugee family can be a transformational, faith-deepening experience for a local church.
Disaster Response in the U.S. and Canada |

Disciples Disaster Response assists communities affected by natural disasters (hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes) and technological disasters (toxic waste dump, transportation accident releasing toxic chemicals, mining hazards). Immediate and long-term response to disasters provides relief and assistance for recovery.

The UCC National Disaster Ministries program assists communities affected by natural disasters (hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes) and technological disasters (toxic waste dump, transportation accident releasing toxic chemicals, mining hazards). National Disaster Ministries programs are conducted in cooperation with and through the 39 Conferences of the United Church of Christ (United States and Puerto Rico). A network of Conference Disaster Coordinators assists in developing preparedness measures before crises occur. The Office of National Disaster Ministries provides assistance with acute and or long-term effects of technological disasters or events.
Volunteer Opportunities in the U.S. and Canada |

The office of Disciples Volunteering encourages you to put your faith to work by engaging in life changing, exciting, uplifting, empowering, transforming work. Volunteer opportunities range from one week to several months and are for both individuals and groups. Take a vacation with a purpose, working on projects such as building houses, churches, chicken coops, and community. |

The office of Volunteer Ministries of the UCC provides volunteer opportunities in three general ways. For individuals, Volunteer Ministries partners with local agencies to place volunteers with agencies that match the skills of the volunteers with the needs of the agencies through the Partners In Service Program. Mission Trips are are short-term volunteer opportunities for groups that last up to a week. The United Church of Christ hosts various events each year such as General Synod, National Youth Event and Womens Gatherings. A Service Project is usually offered at these kinds of events so that our members can get involved in service in local communities hosting each event.